New Year, Old Me- Hello 2018
"Simplify, Simplify, Simplify" - Henry David Thoreau I find myself relating to old Henry as of late. I can't say I felt the same way...
Let's Talk About Anxiety, Baby
Let's talk about You and Me... Let's talk about all the good things and the bad- okay, sorry. I got lost in the 90s there for a minute....
Existential Musings of a Slightly Neurotic Writer
May is a difficult month for me, personally. I usually try to keep my writing stuff happy, but I've ventured into much darker territory...
Schooooooool's out for SUMMER!
Do you ever have that feeling of not just seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but actually emerging through it and being free? ...
When insomnia and motivation collide
I couldn't sleep, so I designed an entirely new website. Because change sounded good. I don't know. I think I'm just channeling my...