When insomnia and motivation collide
I couldn't sleep, so I designed an entirely new website. Because change sounded good. I don't know. I think I'm just channeling my nervous energy about the release of The Tower. Anyhow, welcome! I hope you like it. I think my obsessive compulsive tendencies like this design better.
Guys... School is almost out for summer and I Can.Not.Wait. This year has been killer for me and I haven't been writing (I know!). But my motivation seems to be back now that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I will finish Luke's book this summer if it kills me.
That's all for now, but I'm determined to make this blog a bit more personal. I have a lot of existential thoughts (or crises, whatever) and I want to share them with you :). Thanks for stopping by the new site!