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Existential Musings of a Slightly Neurotic Writer

May is a difficult month for me, personally. I usually try to keep my writing stuff happy, but I've ventured into much darker territory with The Tower, and I think that's okay. Because people deal with really difficult stuff every day. If you've read my books, then you know me. In my younger years, I was a lot like Courtney Ross. Later, a lot like Rowyn Black. Today? I hope I'm more like Mary Fisher or Judith Black. Because the things that happen in your life, change you. I don't think that everything happens for a reason. I think we learn things for a reason, but sometimes the catalyst for our growth and change is just one of a million different events that could have pushed us to that place. And life isn't fair, and it's painful, and it's ugly, and it's beautiful, and it's joyful, and it's mundane, and it's chaotic. So wherever you are in your life, I hope you know you're not alone. I felt alone for a lot of years, even though intellectually I knew I wasn't. I had a great support system, but sometimes your grief and your pain run so deep that other people can't touch it.

Today is a good day. I hope today is a good day for you too, but if it's not, don't apologize or feel ashamed about it. You have to feel what you feel in order to move forward and make progress. If you need help, ask for it without feeling bad. We all need a tribe, my friends, to make it through what the universe throws at us. You guys bring so much joy to my life- writing and sharing it with readers was something I never knew I needed, but I absolutely do. Lots of love and light sent your way today!

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