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New Year, Old Me- Hello 2018

"Simplify, Simplify, Simplify" - Henry David Thoreau

I find myself relating to old Henry as of late. I can't say I felt the same way junior year of high school when I first read Walden Pond, but the years have a way of changing you. My English teacher that year had a t-shirt with the above quote on it, and I thought she was kind of an odd duck (not just for the shirt- her demeanor in general), but she was kind of badass in her own right.

New Year's Resolutions have always been a thing for me. I feel pretty strongly that the new year brings with it an energy that lends itself well to starting something fresh. 2018 in particular if you follow numerology. So this year, I'm setting some pretty lofty goals for myself. In the spirit of accountability, I'm beginning my list here. Consider this a rough draft, and I have four days to revise it :). Do feel free to join in in the comments or simply drop me a link to your resolution post!

- Unplug: Here's the thing. I'm a writer. And a teacher. And a mother. And a wife. And a tarot card reader. And a wannabe political activist. And a puppy owner. And a decorating enthusiast. And an anxiety sufferer. The list goes on. I cannot do all things. So I'm taking a step back from much of the social media that I post on for my writing. Have I made great connections there? Absolutely. Will I return to it at some point? Most likely. But if I am to continue to write, then I have to stop. Stop caring about how many likes my post got. Stop trying to compete with these crazy talented bookstagrammers- I am not a bookstagrammer. I am a writer. And I've lost focus on that. My goal is to write & share what I write. It's as simple as that. I've scheduled my first con in January, and I'll go from there. <3

- Utilize the Library: I will read what I want. Because it makes me happy, not because the cover will look good in a photo. I will check books out from my public library because I believe in the power of public libraries, and my money is better budgeted elsewhere. Period.

- Manage my health: Anxiety is no joke. This year has been a learning experience, and I feel better equipped to move forward in balance. Supplements, diet, workouts- it all has to be in the mix, regardless if I have time for it. I will make time to take care of myself, or I'm no use to anyone else.

- Allow myself to move slowly: I've been working on a business plan & a short story anthology. Then there are the other novels I'd like to write. I've also found myself recommitted to teaching in a way I didn't even think I would be again- and it's energizing. I love my job and I love my students, and that's okay. That's awesome. So if it takes two years or three years to launch this business, so be it. If I write only one book instead of two or three this year, then awesome. I will not self-impose deadlines that make my life more stressful.

- Saying "yes" to experiences and "no" to "stuff": I've learned this year that sometimes you just have to say yes to doing something fun. Even if you can't totally afford it- you make a plan and make it happen. I am learning to buy less "stuff," and hoping this rubs off on my son.

Well, this is what I have so far, though I'd like to consolidate into one-sentence statements for each so I can keep them somewhere visible. Thanks for reading if you got this far, and do share your own resolutions below.

I sincerely wish you a happy and healthy new year <3.

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